Нектар Виноградный осветл. Краснодарочка 1л ст/б 1*6

Объём, л 
Срок годности 
2 года
Вид упаковки 
Количество в упаковке 
6 шт.
155 ₽
% Акции
+7 (924) 488-12-34 Ежедневно, 10:00 – 20:00
В вашей корзине
пока пусто
MySQL статистика (54)
Query Rows Time Cached
SHOW TABLES LIKE 'extrafields' 1 0.000358 false
SELECT (select group_concat(extrafields.id ORDER BY 1 SEPARATOR ', ') from extrafields where extrafields.object_id = seo_settings.id and (object_class='Admin_SeoParams')) as extrafields_calculated, seo_settings.* FROM seo_settings ORDER BY id desc LIMIT 0, 1 1 0.000357 false
SHOW TABLES LIKE 'extrafields' 1 0.000216 false
update seo_settings set individual_seo_settings = 'a:0:{}' - 0.000103 false
SHOW TABLES LIKE 'extrafields' 1 0.000322 false
SELECT (select group_concat(extrafields.id ORDER BY 1 SEPARATOR ', ') from extrafields where extrafields.object_id = shop_carts.id and (object_class='Shop_Cart')) as extrafields_calculated, shop_carts.* FROM shop_carts WHERE (shop_carts.cart_id = 'ed4be4626afe71bf33112664276356679f73b6372e57a4b4b54d586f7458cf64971950b6f7725d42b217fd478198e77702e87d5de7317deae6192786e35929c8') LIMIT 0, 1 0 0.000213 false
SHOW TABLES LIKE 'extrafields' 1 0.000225 false
SELECT items.id, items.parent_id, items.title, items.is_hidden_in_menu, items.sort_order, items.href, menus.code as menu_code, menus.use_code_in_links as menu_code_in_links, blocks.id as block_id, blocks.code as block_code, blocks.description, blocks.content, blocks.template, blocks.block_type, f.id as image_id, f.disk_name as image_path FROM admin_menu_items as items LEFT JOIN admin_menus as menus ON menus.id = items.menu_id LEFT JOIN admin_text_blocks as blocks ON blocks.id = items.text_block_id LEFT JOIN db_files as f ON f.master_object_id = items.id AND f.master_object_class = 'Admin_MenuItem' AND f.field = 'image' WHERE items.is_hidden is null ORDER BY items.parent_id, items.sort_order 19 0.001230 false
SELECT * FROM extrafields WHERE object_class = 'Admin_MenuItem' AND object_id in ('1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '11', '15', '13', '14', '12', '10', '16', '17', '18', '19') 19 0.000193 false
SHOW TABLES LIKE 'extrafields' 1 0.000231 false
SELECT (select group_concat(extrafields.id ORDER BY 1 SEPARATOR ', ') from extrafields where extrafields.object_id = shop_carts.id and (object_class='Shop_Cart')) as extrafields_calculated, shop_carts.* FROM shop_carts WHERE (shop_carts.cart_id = 'ed4be4626afe71bf33112664276356679f73b6372e57a4b4b54d586f7458cf64971950b6f7725d42b217fd478198e77702e87d5de7317deae6192786e35929c8') LIMIT 0, 1 0 0.000182 false
SHOW TABLES LIKE 'extrafields' 1 0.000211 false
SELECT id, level, parent_id FROM catalog_categories WHERE hidden is null AND deleted is null ORDER BY level ASC 34 0.000206 false
SELECT products.* FROM catalog_products as products WHERE id = '359' AND hidden is null AND deleted is null AND category_id in ('2', '12', '3', '46', '44', '40', '37', '35', '34', '33', '32', '27', '23', '5', '13', '31', '4', '45', '9', '39', '15', '16', '17', '18', '21', '30', '29', '28', '19', '26', '25', '24', '20', '22') LIMIT 0, 1 1 0.000255 false
SELECT * FROM catalog_skus WHERE product_id in ('359') 1 0.000135 false
SELECT * FROM db_files as files WHERE master_object_class = 'Catalog_Product' AND master_object_id in ('359') 1 0.000151 false
SELECT * FROM catalog_attributes as ca LEFT JOIN catalog_attribute_values as cav ON ca.id = cav.attribute_id WHERE cav.product_id in ('359') 0 0.000213 false
SHOW TABLES LIKE 'extrafields' 1 0.000231 false
SELECT (select group_concat(extrafields.id ORDER BY 1 SEPARATOR ', ') from extrafields where extrafields.object_id = shop_carts.id and (object_class='Shop_Cart')) as extrafields_calculated, shop_carts.* FROM shop_carts WHERE (shop_carts.cart_id = 'ed4be4626afe71bf33112664276356679f73b6372e57a4b4b54d586f7458cf64971950b6f7725d42b217fd478198e77702e87d5de7317deae6192786e35929c8') LIMIT 0, 1 0 0.000177 false
SHOW TABLES LIKE 'extrafields' 1 0.000230 false
SELECT (select group_concat(db_files.name ORDER BY 1 SEPARATOR ', ') from db_files where db_files.master_object_id = catalog_categories.id and (master_object_class='Catalog_Category' and field='image')) as image_calculated, (product_type_calculated_join.name) as product_type_calculated, (select group_concat(catalog_attributes.name ORDER BY 1 SEPARATOR ', ') from catalog_attributes, catalog_category_filters where catalog_attributes.id=catalog_category_filters.attribute_id and catalog_category_filters.category_id=catalog_categories.id) as filters_calculated, (select group_concat(extrafields.id ORDER BY 1 SEPARATOR ', ') from extrafields where extrafields.object_id = catalog_categories.id and (object_class='Catalog_Category')) as extrafields_calculated, catalog_categories.* FROM catalog_categories LEFT JOIN catalog_product_types as product_type_calculated_join ON product_type_calculated_join.id = catalog_categories.type_id WHERE (catalog_categories.id = '46') LIMIT 0, 1 1 0.000493 false
SHOW TABLES LIKE 'extrafields' 1 0.000227 false
SHOW TABLES LIKE 'extrafields' 1 0.000250 false
SELECT (select group_concat(extrafields.id ORDER BY 1 SEPARATOR ', ') from extrafields where extrafields.object_id = shop_carts.id and (object_class='Shop_Cart')) as extrafields_calculated, shop_carts.* FROM shop_carts WHERE (shop_carts.cart_id = 'ed4be4626afe71bf33112664276356679f73b6372e57a4b4b54d586f7458cf64971950b6f7725d42b217fd478198e77702e87d5de7317deae6192786e35929c8') LIMIT 0, 1 0 0.000192 false
SHOW TABLES LIKE 'extrafields' 1 0.000227 false
SELECT products.* FROM catalog_products as products LEFT JOIN catalog_skus AS skus ON skus.product_id = products.id WHERE skus.price > 0 AND CONCAT(';',tags,';') like '%;рекомендуем;%' AND hidden is null AND deleted is null AND category_id in ('2', '12', '3', '46', '44', '40', '37', '35', '34', '33', '32', '27', '23', '5', '13', '31', '4', '45', '9', '39', '15', '16', '17', '18', '21', '30', '29', '28', '19', '26', '25', '24', '20', '22') LIMIT 0, 10 0 0.002812 false
SHOW TABLES LIKE 'extrafields' 1 0.000231 false
SELECT (select group_concat(extrafields.id ORDER BY 1 SEPARATOR ', ') from extrafields where extrafields.object_id = admin_module_settings.id and (object_class='Admin_ModuleSettings')) as extrafields_calculated, admin_module_settings.* FROM admin_module_settings WHERE (admin_module_settings.module_id='admin') AND (admin_module_settings.form_id='default') LIMIT 0, 1 1 0.000251 false
SHOW TABLES LIKE 'extrafields' 1 0.000238 false
SELECT * FROM catalog_categories WHERE level = '1' AND deleted is null AND id in ('2', '12', '3', '46', '44', '40', '37', '35', '34', '33', '32', '27', '23', '5', '13', '31', '4', '45', '9', '39', '15', '16', '17', '18', '21', '30', '29', '28', '19', '26', '25', '24', '20', '22') 2 0.000407 false
SELECT * FROM catalog_categories WHERE parent_id = '2' AND deleted is null AND id in ('2', '12', '3', '46', '44', '40', '37', '35', '34', '33', '32', '27', '23', '5', '13', '31', '4', '45', '9', '39', '15', '16', '17', '18', '21', '30', '29', '28', '19', '26', '25', '24', '20', '22') 8 0.000326 false
SELECT * FROM catalog_categories WHERE parent_id = '12' AND deleted is null AND id in ('2', '12', '3', '46', '44', '40', '37', '35', '34', '33', '32', '27', '23', '5', '13', '31', '4', '45', '9', '39', '15', '16', '17', '18', '21', '30', '29', '28', '19', '26', '25', '24', '20', '22') 5 0.000317 false
SHOW TABLES LIKE 'extrafields' 1 0.000224 false
SELECT (select group_concat(extrafields.id ORDER BY 1 SEPARATOR ', ') from extrafields where extrafields.object_id = admin_menus.id and (object_class='Admin_Menu')) as extrafields_calculated, admin_menus.* FROM admin_menus WHERE (admin_menus.code = 'main') LIMIT 0, 1 1 0.000231 false
SHOW TABLES LIKE 'extrafields' 1 0.000211 false
SHOW TABLES LIKE 'extrafields' 1 0.000254 false
SELECT (select group_concat(db_files.id ORDER BY 1 SEPARATOR ', ') from db_files where db_files.master_object_id = admin_menu_items.id and (master_object_class='Admin_MenuItem' and field='photos')) as photos_calculated, (select group_concat(db_files.name ORDER BY 1 SEPARATOR ', ') from db_files where db_files.master_object_id = admin_menu_items.id and (master_object_class='Admin_MenuItem' and field='document_files')) as document_files_calculated, (select group_concat(extrafields.id ORDER BY 1 SEPARATOR ', ') from extrafields where extrafields.object_id = admin_menu_items.id and (object_class='Admin_MenuItem')) as extrafields_calculated, admin_menu_items.* FROM admin_menu_items WHERE (admin_menu_items.menu_id = '1') AND (admin_menu_items.parent_id is null and (admin_menu_items.is_hidden is null or admin_menu_items.is_hidden=0) and (admin_menu_items.is_hidden_in_menu is null or admin_menu_items.is_hidden_in_menu=0)) ORDER BY group_name, sort_order 7 0.000574 false
SHOW TABLES LIKE 'extrafields' 1 0.000228 false
SHOW TABLES LIKE 'extrafields' 1 0.000232 false
SHOW TABLES LIKE 'extrafields' 1 0.000223 false
SHOW TABLES LIKE 'extrafields' 1 0.000244 false
SHOW TABLES LIKE 'extrafields' 1 0.000255 false
SHOW TABLES LIKE 'extrafields' 1 0.000260 false
SHOW TABLES LIKE 'extrafields' 1 0.000250 false
SELECT admin_menu_items.* FROM admin_menu_items ORDER BY sort_order 19 0.000306 false
SHOW TABLES LIKE 'extrafields' 1 0.000300 false
SELECT (select group_concat(extrafields.id ORDER BY 1 SEPARATOR ', ') from extrafields where extrafields.object_id = admin_menus.id and (object_class='Admin_Menu')) as extrafields_calculated, admin_menus.* FROM admin_menus WHERE (admin_menus.id = '1') LIMIT 0, 1 1 0.000262 false
SHOW TABLES LIKE 'extrafields' 1 0.000256 false
SHOW TABLES LIKE 'extrafields' 1 0.000306 false
SELECT (select group_concat(extrafields.id ORDER BY 1 SEPARATOR ', ') from extrafields where extrafields.object_id = shop_carts.id and (object_class='Shop_Cart')) as extrafields_calculated, shop_carts.* FROM shop_carts WHERE (shop_carts.cart_id = 'ed4be4626afe71bf33112664276356679f73b6372e57a4b4b54d586f7458cf64971950b6f7725d42b217fd478198e77702e87d5de7317deae6192786e35929c8') LIMIT 0, 1 0 0.000247 false
SHOW TABLES LIKE 'extrafields' 1 0.000217 false
SHOW TABLES LIKE 'extrafields' 1 0.000237 false
SELECT (select group_concat(extrafields.id ORDER BY 1 SEPARATOR ', ') from extrafields where extrafields.object_id = shop_carts.id and (object_class='Shop_Cart')) as extrafields_calculated, shop_carts.* FROM shop_carts WHERE (shop_carts.cart_id = 'ed4be4626afe71bf33112664276356679f73b6372e57a4b4b54d586f7458cf64971950b6f7725d42b217fd478198e77702e87d5de7317deae6192786e35929c8') LIMIT 0, 1 0 0.000222 false
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